Tip Of The Day
Live plants are great for wealth Feng Shui, so fill your house with them. Round leaves are preferable because they resemble coins.
Bring the feng shui lucky bamboo closer to the computer to create more peaceful energy for you, have it on the side that is facing the entry to your space. Put more rocks in it, since it is your Northwest area, and the feng shui earth element supports the metal element of the Northwest.
In some houses Kitchen may be towards Northeast and residents may not remove it and it may compulsory at that direction, to avoid this squabble, dig one round shaped sump towards exact Northeast of that room to minimize bad effects of Northeast kitchen.
Employees who need to improve their performance should first be located in the Western region and then shifted to the Southeast.
Yellow color for honour and dignity, increase in morality and helps a student succeed in life.
Dress with yellow color or wear golden color